非七月也是禁忌的事 Other Non-month Bond Taboos
1) 撿拾路上物品 在民俗信仰中,這些路上的物品可能是別人想轉運而放置;這運勢會因撿拾而轉嫁到動貪念之人身上。在這社會中也有一種近年較少見的儀式:冥婚,這儀式便是從撿拾路上物品開始。我認為這禁忌的根本是希望世人皆不貪,讓失主能找回自己遺失的物品,是種體恤他人的心。 Picking up lost objects It is traditionally believed that the unattended objects are a conduit for transferring karmas. Anyone who takes the objects will inherit the karma. Although it is rarely performed nowadays, it can also be the beginning of a marriage - a marriage to the perished. I believe the taboo rooted in empathy for others. We want people to leave those things alone so the owners can find them at those places if they trace back their steps. 2) 贈送時鐘 在中文裡這是很不吉祥的一件事,因為發音相近於送終,會被視為詛咒他人早逝。有些人會將錶也歸於此類,也可能因此不小心得罪人,所以比較不建議以鐘錶類作為禮品。 Giving clock as a gift In Mandarin, this is rather inauspicious. For the pronunciation of the action is similar to that of attending someone’s burial service. It is considered as cursing someone to his early grave. Some people may also file watch under ...