
Showing posts from December, 2017

華文書籍簡介Mandarin Books - an Introduction

因為自己常念的作品多半是翻譯文學所以想了好一陣子,不知道是否該為學習華文的學習者 寫寫華語書籍的介紹,不過因為非華語學習者也可以看看書評決定是否支持一下出版者。因此今天就索性來寫個簡介吧!如果你喜歡這樣討論書籍的文章歡迎在下面留言讓我知道喔😁 I know the difficulties of picking a book from the foreign languages you are learning. I know how hard it is to select the ones that are suitable for the different levels of language learners. Since it is about books in Mandrin, I will not be using a lot of English in this piece. I apologize for the inconvenience. If you enjoy these kind of topics and would like to know more about the books I read please comment to let me know. Thank you. [初階]兒童文學 Children's literature 1.愛心樹 The Giving Tree 這是本相當經典的兒童繪本,講述愛與奉獻。 This is a classic. Many Taiwanese grows up reading this book of love and giving.  2.作者:郝廣才 這位作者翻譯也著作了許多童書與青少年作品,無論是品格教育還是文化歷史都有。我喜歡 的作品有<<一片披薩一塊錢>>、<<帶衰老鼠死得快>>、<<漫畫台灣歷史故事>>。 He is a Taiwanese author, who produces a lot of great works from character building to the culture and history of Taiwan. 3.出版社:小魯文...