
Showing posts from July, 2017

Taiwanese Culture and Religions - 金爐與紙錢

Starting from this post I will be blogging in both Mandarin and English as frequent as possible, turning this blog a bilingual one. 猜猜看這個奇特的紅色鐵桶是什麼? 我們拿它來做什麼? Guess what this peculiar red can is? What we do with it? 如果你答這是一個金爐那麼恭喜你,你答對了! 我們將它用於焚燒紙錢或稱為金紙,紙錢是又什麼呢? 相傳蔡倫造紙因多次試驗失敗,欲將失敗的成品銷毀又不想他人知曉,於是乎假借家人染上惡疾之名,創千百年來焚燒紙錢祈福之濫觴。 If you say this is a papier-mâché incinerator, congratulations, you're correct. We use it to burn papier-mâché or so-called ghost money.  Legend has it, this practice began with Cai-Lun, for his failures on improving the making of paper. He would like those failed attempts to be destroyed, but he did not want the others to know about the experiments. Therefore, he pretended that one of his family had an incurable ailment, only through burning the papier-mâché one shall regain her health. Thus, it began the century-old tradition of burning the papier-mâché as offerings. 近來有許多文章表示此一說法相當不正確並舉例駁斥之,但這傳說不也為這充滿東方色彩的儀式增添不少趣味嗎?學者們認為此儀式是為防盜墓衍...

Let's Chat - Do Taiwanese still eat dogs?

I saw a video clip on YouTube the other day. It's about what people think of Taiwan. One of them said they eat dogs. I was shocked. So I want to clarify a few things: I do not deny the fact that in  the past  people do eat dog. However, during my years in Taiwan, I have not seen anyone who would eat dogs. We are a country that is good at agriculture and fishing. We don't need to eat dog. In fact, a lot of us have pets. These furry kids are pampered that you will see strollers with pets inside, not kids. Some owners even open up a YouTube account to teach people on what to cook for these kids.  Actual photo took by  Gonçalo Cruz Those who abuse animals in any ways will face charges. Though there are street cats and dogs, we do not tolerate animal abuse. There are a lot of people dedicated to helping these homeless furry kids to find their new homes. Just this year the authorities passed laws regarding sheltered animals, from this year forwar...