Let's Chat - Do Taiwanese still eat dogs?

I saw a video clip on YouTube the other day. It's about what people think of Taiwan. One of them said they eat dogs. I was shocked.

So I want to clarify a few things:
I do not deny the fact that in the past people do eat dog. However, during my years in Taiwan, I have not seen anyone who would eat dogs. We are a country that is good at agriculture and fishing. We don't need to eat dog.

In fact, a lot of us have pets. These furry kids are pampered that you will see strollers with pets inside, not kids. Some owners even open up a YouTube account to teach people on what to cook for these kids. 

Actual photo took by Gonçalo Cruz

Those who abuse animals in any ways will face charges. Though there are street cats and dogs, we do not tolerate animal abuse. There are a lot of people dedicated to helping these homeless furry kids to find their new homes.

Just this year the authorities passed laws regarding sheltered animals, from this year forward, animals are not to be put down. Unless it is an act out of kindness, for lessening the suffering in those with a terminal illness.

So the short answer to the question: No, we do not eat dogs.


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